Recordings – Singing

a Mentor who I value very much

Christine Beasley was my first singing teacher! Articulate and passionate about singing, no genre or ability is too difficult to tackle. Her own foundations as an Opera singer in Germany and the UK together with a distinguished career with Opera Australia give Christine a unique intuition when working with her students and strong knowledge of repertoire. You will leave her lessons with a better technique, and stronger understanding of performance practise. Christine is a Mentor who I value very much and am grateful to for nurturing my talent from the start.

Georgia Soprano February 13, 2014

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You could not ask for a better teacher

I am a mature age student who has enjoyed singing all my life, but who never had any singing lessons until I came to Christine (apart from standard group lessons in school as a child). I have now been with Christine for over a year and seen benefits due to her breathing techniques and methods of production of the required sound and pitch. Both my quality and the vocal range have improved. I have been with the Sydney Male Choir for three years and believe one result of my lessons is that I am now considered to be a valuable member of that choir. This is due not only to the learning of her techniques, but in the confidence imparted to me by Christine in my singing abilities.
You could not ask for a better teacher.

Bruce Grime June 15, 2019

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helpful and instructive singing teacher

To learn singing from Christine has been a joy. For over two years she has been a helpful and instructive singing teacher and from whom I have learned a lot .I would recommend her to anybody wishing to learn singing.

Anthony February 13, 2014

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a fantastic singing teacher

It is a privilege and a pleasure to have Christine as my singing teacher. She is a loving, caring, understanding and fantastic teacher. It is a great blessing to be taught by a true professional in this field. More than a wonderful teacher, she has grown to become a dear friend. I appreciate her techniques and especially her patience, passion and continuous encouragement. She has the ability to bring out the best in her students. My singing experience with Christine is lots of fun. She is an awesome inspiration.

Paul October 13, 2014

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